Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Log update:

Just doing some reading tonight. I've been looking at a book from the Barr Smith Library called War and Moral Responsibilty, which has a chapter called 'The Relevance of Nuremberg' and talks about how Nuremberg is used as a justification for war crimes - particularly in Vietnam. As a result of this I think I might write an essay which regards the Vietnam War in relation to Nuremberg. I'm encouraged by the fact that this book says that, "there is no shortage of literature" about this.

Also, Mr. Stewart - I added a website to my bibliography but I'm not really sure if the referencing is right?

1 comment:

  1. If you are looking at Vietnam, perhaps the My Lai trail and William calley can be your focus with Nuremberg as the reference and contrast? Switch it around. There is a lot of stuff on My Lai and the trial.
