Saturday, June 5, 2010

Log update and essay question:

Ok. Lots of reading and note-taking and highlighting and coffee drinking later, I STILL can't quite come up with a question. It's really annoying me. I know that I want to write about - I want to compare My Lai and Nuremberg, and the trials of both of them. I'm going to bed to sleep on it.


  1. Have you made any progress on the question since this post?

  2. Kirsten,here is an idea for a question "Secretary of the Army Howard Callaway was quoted in the 'New York Times' as stating that Calley's sentence was reduced because Calley honestly believed that what he did was a part of his orders — a rationale that stands in direct contradiction of the standards set at Nuremberg and Tokyo, where German and Japanese soldiers were executed for similar acts".

    Why was the defence of 'superior orders' accepted in the case of Calley but not in those of German and Japanese military personnel after World War 2?

    What do you think?

  3. I like that question...lots to talk about. I guess which is the thing for all of us- WORD LIMIT!! ahhhh!! hahah keep going!
